05 June 2008


I had such an amazing night with my friend Jessie last night. She and I have been friends now for about a year, but it feels like we've known each other our entire lives. Actually after meeting her brother at a BBQ at my place where I provided some delicious mojitos we all decided that I was the middle child lost at birth. Anyway, I provide this information so that you know how close we are as great friends.
Seeing as I'm leaving for an indefinite period of time she wanted to take me out for a night out with just the two of us. Seeing as she was paying, how could I refuse!? We hit up a couple bars in Bell Town and finally made it to Black Bottle. This place is a trendy/upscale nightspot/bar/restaurant just north of the main action on 1st Ave in Bell Town. It's also the restaurant we ALWAYS find ourselves at whenever we're drunk together:) At any rate, it seemed like the fitting end to what was a really great night between two close friends. At one point in the restaurant we actually couldn't stop laughing for 15 minutes!
Okay, if you've read my past blogs you should know that I don't bring up useless facts without some point and here it is o loyal reader ye, the definition of the title of this piece: when Jessie and I left Black Bottle we were in the highest of spirits and really just loving life and each other. When we passed The Del Ray on 1st there was a homeless man with an empty water jug hanging around his neck that stopped us. "Can I sing you a song?" he asked. "No," we replied, "we really need to get going..." You know, the usual bullshit you give to homeless people that are hassling you. But then he said: "that's okay, would you like to hear a song for free though?" Now, normally one would assume that this was just a ploy for us to take pity on him and give him change anyway, but there was a manner about his physical presence and a look in his eye that was so peaceful and so giving that both of us independently said "yeah, sure..." Then Jessie said "James is joining the Peace Corps, do you have a song about that?" Now this is when he looked at her with his wised eyes and responded with one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. It lasted only about a minute and was played on an empty water jug, but his voice was so spiritual and the words were exactly what I needed to hear...it was quite literally like he was speaking directly to my heart. Yeah, I know...cliche? Sure...but I lived it and I make no apologies in this post; just the facts o loyal reader, just the facts.
When he was through he shook both of our hands and HE WALKED AWAY. We were dumbfounded. I took Jessie by the arm and led her back to my car, but she wasn't ready to go. She was saying (what I was thinking) over and over that we can't just leave him like that! We got back to my car, drove to the nearest ATM and she took out $20. Then we drove back to where we found him but he was gone. As I was turning around Jessie screams "STOP!! I see him!" No sooner have I put my foot on the brake than she's jumping out of the car and running after him. So, of course, I park and follow her on foot. By the time I get to her she's talking to him about something obviously very personal. With tears in her eyes she gives him the $20, and I lead her back to the car after we both give Pop's (the name he gave us) a hug. When we get back in the car Jessie tells me about a homeless person her family took in a long time ago named Pop's who used to paint in water-color...which our Pop's does as well as sing beautiful poetry on the streets of Seattle...
All in all, considering that each of us had only had roughly 5 drinks over the past six to seven hours and were more tired than any hint of inebriation this was one of the most powerful nights I'd had in a long time.
I share because as a spiritual person with no affiliation with any religion or organization my faith was reaffirmed last night. Not only in my own beliefs, but in the human spirit and the truth of the soul.
I read what I just wrote and I can't believe I said that, but there really is no better way to say it so I'm going to let it stand. I'm going to leave this story for all interested parties to read at their leisure and I'm going to remember Pop's and his empty water jug that he turned into the greatest accompaniment to his sung-poetry that anyone could imagine. I shared this amazing experience with my friend Jessie, and no matter how long our absence from each other or distance between us, last night will be something we will both always remember.
I'm sad to leave, but I'm now more hopeful for the future than ever before. It's time to go, I leave for Chicago tomorrow at 2:40, then London on Monday...my life is finally starting to get interesting, but Pop's showed me that it really always was...and hopefully always will be. By the way, I'm also working diligently on my grammar and use of punctuation but I fear that you may have a long wait as learning Russian is now taking up a predominant amount of my time:)

Stay tuned for more, but in the meanwhile if you see Pop's be sure to ask him for a song, because he's got more to give than you have cash to spare. Think about it.


toshiba said...

You know when we went to the wasabi bistro a few weeks before I stepped outside for a minute and pops asked me if i wanted a song, he played for me for 5 minutes then thanked me for my time and then left, I remember him and think about him from time to time, what a small world.


jessiehooper said...

:) :) :). You're already missed! Crazy to think YOU'RE THERE, as in, now!!