14 September 2008


Now the begging begins! Just kidding…here’s the address to my permanent site for those of you that are interested in sending me any packages or letters. Because my site is a Rayon Center (Rayon is like a “county” in America, so Kyzyl-Adyr is like what Seattle is in King County) you can send everything directly to the post office which cuts down on the amount of hands that might get to it. Liz, the K-15 that’s also at my site said that she’s become friends with the lady that works at the post-office and the lady just calls Liz directly whenever she gets anything. Hopefully I can use my wit and charm to win her over and receive the same privilege…for the time being, please just assume that I can:) With that said, because I still can’t figure out the formatting on this blog site although I’ve put the two addresses (Latin and Cyrillic) one-below-the-other, please put the Cyrillic address one to two inches to the right of the Latin-letter address.

Talas Oblast
Karabura Region

Kyzyl-Adyr Village



Талас областы
Карабуура району
Кызыл-Адыр айылы
Джеймс Свифт

That’s all for now, I just wanted to get this out there! On Thursday I have my ‘swearing-in’ ceremony and Friday I take a taxi to my permanent site to begin work in Manas Secondary School on Monday!! I’ll post an updated blog with how all of that goes in the next week or so.

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent me packages/letters!!! You have no idea how much I appreciate receiving things from home, it’s an incredible feeling to actually get a package, or open a letter sent by my close friends—holding it is like actually being back there. Yeah, I know I’m being a bit cheesy but I really mean it. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

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